In Rokugan, it is said that honor is stronger than steel. While even the finest blade can bend and break under the heat of the forge, the Emerald Empire`s society has been folded in the forges of politics and war for more than a thousand years, and it has not yet broken. The society of Rokugan follows a divinely ordered pattern set down by the eight Kami, who shared their celestial blessings with the mortal realm. Rokugan is a land of strict social stratification, where an improper look at the wrong time can mean death. This is the stage of the Legend of the Five Rings Beginner Game, a new roleplaying experience in the land of honor and steel. The Legend of the Five Rings Beginner Game allows anyone to take on the role of a Samurai in Rokugan with a full range of four character folios, a fully realized adventure book, a set of custom dice, a map of Rokugan, a variety of tokens and a complete set of rules including a play example, The Legend of the Five Rings Beginner Game gives newbies and veterans alike the perfect door to the Emerald Empire. Includes character folios with beautiful art keep the rules right at your fingertips, a pre-designed adventure lets you dive right into the world of the Emerald Empire and a set of custom dice provides unique narrative opportunities in your adventure. Experience the vibrant world of Rokugan with maps, character tokens, and more.
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