Once upon a time, great monsters of grey glass and granite rose up into existence all across the world. They tore and gnawed and gnashed their way through the dirt and bedrock until their roots were buried deep within the earth. They sucked the life from the surrounding land.
Their sinews coursed with cement and rusted metal, their veins pumped sewage. They choked the air when they inhaled into steam-filled lungs; and when they exhaled, only smog and fire escaped. With a thousand limbs they reached up and scraped the sky.
As years passed and these horrors grew and grew beyond all reason, pieces of them died and fell away. Most of the time, they would cannibalize their dead extremities and grow new ones in their place. Sometimes, though, these places were left to rot.
It was in these dead places that ghosts came to live; in the shadows and tunnels of the urban nightmare. In the Forgotten Places. These ghosts inhabit a world most have never seen. It exists in disharmony with the reality we've come know, at once overlapping and contradicting it. It exists in the shadows and back alleys and tunnels of the urban landscape; in abandoned train stations and condemned buildings. Great rotting palaces lie within these places, vast labyrinths within the tunnels of the city.
Kingdom of Nothing is a game about people who've lost everything, and their struggle to crawl their way back out of the cracks through which they've slipped. In it, players take on the role of a forgotten person. Something happened to them that was so horribly traumatic it brought their lives crashing down and forced them onto the street and into homelessness. A mysterious force called the Nothing has eaten their memories and manifested their fears as twisted monsters that threaten to destroy them.
Through the course of the game, they come to grips with the thing that destroyed their lives and regain their memories piece by piece. Players at the table collaborate to create your character's backstory as you collaborate to create theirs. Throughout the course of the game, players discover the intense drama that led their character to get lost in the Nothing.
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