May 25th Events


May 25th is a big day for Sci-Fi and Fantasy fans  this year at Pandemonium!

Click here if you're looking to sign up for Terry Pratchett Themed Charity D&D!

Presenting Pandemonium’s first Towel Day Towel and Toiletry Drive!

Dress up (or not) in your best Hitchhiker’s costume and towel. Bring a second towel to donate to another frood in need. Feel free to add toiletries to your donation. The best costume–2 best actually–will win a special 25th anniversary edition hardcover of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. We will have Hitchhiker’s socks and other special merch as well as the books themselves. Come in anytime between 1pm-9pm. If you will allow us to take a picture of your costume, we would love to post it and show the universe how it’s done (photos are not required to enter and win!). Winners will be announced and contacted the following day.

The Transition House does not accept hotel-sized (miniature) toiletries and ask as folks are purchasing to donate hygiene/beauty products for a variety of hair and skin types.

Come celebrate with us and don’t forget your towel!

What’s This International Towel Day Thing About?

The first Towel Day was held May 25th, 2001, just two weeks after Douglas Adams’s death. It is a day that those who love The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy books–and their author–carry a towel (something that, if you have read the books or watched the movie, the show, or radio program, you will understand is a very smart thing to do because a towel is, in fact, the most useful item in the universe).


As a tribute, Pandemonium Books & Games will be hosting a Towel Day event to not only provide a place for all those who wish to display their towels with pride, but to help others get that most useful of items, as well as a few others.

Read more about Towel Day:

Sir Terry Pratchett’s Wear Lilac Day Fundraiser

It goes without saying that Sir Terry Pratchett’s work has delighted and influenced the hordes and masses of readers everywhere. His battle with Alzheimer’s was one he could not write his way out of despite his brilliance. In one of his most popular storylines within his Discworld, Sam Vimes and the guards of the Night Watch, lose a comrade in arms. On every May the 25th, the characters wear lilac to honor him. It’s only fitting for Pandemonium to celebrate Terry Pratchett that same day by raising money for Alzheimer’s research.

Join us for wacky, Discworld themed who-done-it D&D! Using the 5e system and inspired mostly by the characters from Guards! Guards!--a hilarious Sam Vimes novel–our usual D&D night will donate 100% of your entry and 25% of All Discworld book purchases to the Center for Alzheimer Research and Treatment at Brigham and Women's Hospital.

Dress up in character! You can participate in the costume contest regardless of playing. A winner will receive a special Discworld book.

"I have had Alzheimer's now for the past two years plus. There's nearly as many of us as there are cancer sufferers, and it looks as if the number of people with the disease will double within a generation. It's a shock and a shame to find out that funding for research is 3% of that which goes to find cancer cures." - Terry Pratchett

Read more about Lilac Day:


Quick Links:

Terry Pratchett's Lilac Day

Sign Up For Terry Pratchett Themed Charity D&D
Shop Discworld Series (25% of all sales on the 25th in-store and online will go to charity.)
Costume contest prize: The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld
Charity Page: Alzheimer's Research at Brigham and Women's Hospital

Towel Day
Costume contest prize: Hitchiker's Guide Anniversary Edition with original cover.
Shop our themed offerings.
Charity page for the Towel/toiletry drive: Transition House, a Cambridge charity housing those who are victims of domestic violence.