Vast Grimm Core Rulebook

Vast Grimm Core Rulebook

This book includes the core rules, classes, monsters, lore, and a starting adventure!
Size: 6" x 8.5" x .625"
Page Count: 120

Digital PDF is included with purchase.

On the Pages
  • A brief history – How The Six set out on a pilgrimage to the Primordial Mausoleum of THEY, in the year zer0. These truly devout disciples unleashed a plague of parasitic würms when they unsealed the ancient tomb. It has been 663 years since that day, those who thewürmsinfected have become known as The Grimm. 
  • Locations across the ‘verse – A look at some of the places your Legion might explore while playing.
  • The Endings – Fatuma’s prophecies of how the universe will demise with rules on how these Torments will occur in gameplay.
  • 8 Fast & Easy Steps to Character Creation – Rolling dice to determine everything about your character sure makes it feel like they will not live long. This includes 8 character classes like the MAnchiNe, Emo|Bot, and The Harvester. It also has charts for Irritating Idiosyncrasies, Misspent Youth, and Battle Scars to really give your character that extra level of filth. 
  • Tributes – 20 pieces of technomagic that when used improperly can implode causing Cataclysmic Condemnations. 
  • Pharmaceuticals – Because those who can’t physically escape often find other means.
  • Würms – 6 different würms to get infected by, wreaking havoc on your body and mind. Each includes a Parasitic Pain and Parasitic Pleasure chart to roll randomly on each day until you either die or the würm tires of your meat suit.
  • Optional Rules – For your Legion’s background, random starting ships, and devastating Cataclysmic Condemnations. 
  • Monstrous Abominations – Nasty things to challenge your Legion’s fortitude.
  • Quick Rules – All you need to dive in and start playing. 
  • GM Charts – Tables for Adventure Sparks, Random Encounters, Abandoned Ships, Cosmic Treasures, Stealing from the Dead, and more.
  • An Introductory Adventure – Death Aboard the Conundrum, a broken-down science ship is believed to have a piece needed to build The Gate of Infinite Stars. This relic could fetch a king’s ransom in cred sticks, or maybe even secure you and your Legion a way out of this ‘verse. It includes random charts so the adventure can be replayed numerous times.
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