The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide Limited Edition

Savage Worlds RPG Rifts The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide Limited Edition

In the battle for survival the Tomorrow Legion brings together the greatest, the bravest, and the craziest to stand against an infinity of threats. They stand for a better future than the past they've known.

The Rifts(R) Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide contains everything you need to make and equip mega-powered characters for the Rifts(R) Earth setting. Iconic Frameworks load you up with options for well-known concepts (Glitter Boys, Juicers, Ley Line Walkers, Mind Melters), as well as the capacity to craft your own custom ideas. New Setting Rules bring home the gonzo, cranked-to-eleven nature of Rifts(R), and the gear lists include everything from incredibly powerful weapons and armor to cybernetics to arcana-fueled Techno-Wizard items. New rules for Mega Powers bring magic and psionics to super-powered levels, and Hero's Journey tables flesh out your characters in exciting and fun ways.

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