Lost Atlantis Short Stories [Various]

Lost Atlantis Short Stories [Various]

Flame Tree's new collection of stories from submissions and classic literature offering thrilling tales of lost cities and hidden civilisations.


An exceptional addition to the stunning, richly-rewarding short story collections of Flame Tree's Gothic Fantasy series, with intriguing and thrilling tales from both new submissions and ancient sources. Plato's Lost Atlantis thought-experiment began in Timaeus with the idea of a perfect society lost to the world, but it has haunted the speculative mind for over 2000 years, bearing powerful narratives of Francis Bacon's New Atlantis and the Utopian tales of Thomas More, Samuel Butler, William Morris, Charlotte Perkins Gilman and in modern times, TV series and short stories galore. An imaginative tour-de-force that examines the nature and desires of humanity, from Antiquity to the present day.


New, contemporary and notable writers featured are: Ash Arya, Rose Beardmore, Leah Cypess, Niya M.K. Davis, Deborah L. Davitt, Tracy Fahey, Isobel Granby, John Linwood Grant, David Hankins, M.K. Hutchins, Karl Sade, Silas Leavitt, Kwame M.A. McPherson, Damien Mckeating, John Moralee, Barry Neenan, Spencer Orey, Erica Ruppert, C.R. Serajeddini, Zach Shephard, Calie Voorhis, and Lucy Zhang. These appear alongside classic work by Francis Bacon, Lord Dunsany, Clark Ashton Smith, Jules Verne and more.
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