Carousel Sun [Lee, Sharon]

Carousel Sun [Lee, Sharon]

A gripping contemporary fantasy thriller from master storyteller Sharon Lee, award-winning co-creator of the highly-popular Liaden Universe(R) saga.


The long-awaited sequel to ‚  Carousel Tides, enchanting contemporary fantasy by Sharon Lee, award-winning co-creator of the popular Liaden Universe(R) saga. ‚  When magic meets mundane, sparks fly: these are exciting times in Archers Beach, Maine! A unprecedented Early Season has united townies and carnies in an effort to expand into a twelve-month resort, recapturing the town's former glory.


Kate Archer, owner-operator of the vintage wooden carousel, is caught up in the excitement--and is quite possibly the cause of it. Because Kate leads a double life, as carny, and as Guardian of the land. Her recent return to the home she had forsaken has changed the town's luck--for the better--and energized the ‚  trenvay--earth and water spirits who are as much citizens of the Beach as their mundane counterparts.


But the town's new energy isn't the only change afoot. Joe Nemeier, the local drug lord, whose previous magical consultant was vanquished by Kate, has acquired a new ally--and this one plays with fire.

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