Cog Eat Cog (RPG)

Cog Eat Cog (RPG)

What is Cog Eat Cog?

Cog Eat Cog is a system-agnostic module for use with modern-day, corporate horror games.

Cog Eat Cog is a satire of the corporate world and the wonders of capitalism. Cog Eat Cog is set in the headquarters of a major company, 'Hoodwink & Bamboozle', where the characters have been asked to go to collect debts, broker a truce between rival corporate gangs or outright steal the company's secrets.
Cog Eat Cog features a big bold demon CEO, the Malleus Masticator, a creature that like the company it runs is, of course, too big to fail. And the whole building is in lockdown due to a zombie infestation that is known to cause symptoms like chewing on shinbones.
This is probably your last day at the job.
You're welcome.

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